Baptism & Communion
Baptism and Communion are what the church historically has called “means of grace.” That is, they are means through which God’s grace is held out to us. They do not automatically save the recipient, but are salvific through faith and repentance. (Mark 16:16)
Why, then, do we baptize babies? Because even they are capable of a rudimentary form of faith. Just as they trust the kindness of their earthly parents, so too they can trust the kindness of their heavenly Father. (Luke 1:41-44)
For this reason, we follow the historic practice of the early church by baptizing at every age – from shortly after birth to shortly before death. It is never too early, nor ever too late, to be given grace and united to Christ. (Romans 6:3-5)
Preparing for Baptism
If you are seeking baptism for yourself and/or your child, baptism orientations are held quarterly on Sundays in the Conference Room, 12 – 12:30 p.m. To register for our next orientation, please fill out the form.
Preparing for Communion
Communion is for those who have been baptized into Christ, know their need for grace, and are resolved to amend their life. There is intentional time set aside at each Sunday service to prepare oneself for Communion by self-examination and repentance.
Children typically begin receiving Communion midway through elementary school. First Communion instruction is held annually in May for grades 3 and up. To be added to our First Communion email list, please click here.